star trek the next generation

Free Comic Book Day Announces Gold Titles For 2017
Free Comic Book Day Announces Gold Titles For 2017
Free Comic Book Day Announces Gold Titles For 2017
I know we've all been waiting very patiently, but the day is finally upon us. Comics based on James Cameron's Avatar are finally coming next year on Free Comic Book Day! The comic book adaptation of the smash-hit blockbuster that everyone loves and remembers is just one of twelve Gold Titles as part of FCBD's 2017 celebration, which also includes Rick & Morty, Doctor Who and X-O Manowar. Announced today, Free Comic Book Day 2017 will be celebrated across the world on May 6th, and as usual the big name publishers, including Image, IDW, Boom, Oni and Titan, all have offerings as part of next year's crop of Gold Sponsor titles.
‘Star Trek/Doctor Who’ and ‘Fallen Angel’ Artist JK Woodward Loses Home in Hurricane Sandy, Raising Money with Art Sale
‘Star Trek/Doctor Who’ and ‘Fallen Angel’ Artist JK Woodward Loses Home in Hurricane Sandy, Raising Money with Art Sale
‘Star Trek/Doctor Who’ and ‘Fallen Angel’ Artist JK Woodward Loses Home in Hurricane Sandy, Raising Money with Art Sale
Best known for his artwork in titles from IDW Publishing's Star Trek and Doctor Who franchises, Fallen Angel, and for numerous covers for multiple publishers, artist JK Woodward is among those Americans who was left without a home and nearly all his belongings after Hurricane Sandy finally passed last weekend...
Nobody Listens to Worf in ‘Star Trek: The Next Generation’ Fan Comics by Andrea Tsurumi
Nobody Listens to Worf in ‘Star Trek: The Next Generation’ Fan Comics by Andrea Tsurumi
Nobody Listens to Worf in ‘Star Trek: The Next Generation’ Fan Comics by Andrea Tsurumi
My sector of the Internet blew up earlier this week with a brilliantly edited YouTube video that compiled nearly 15 minutes worth of Worf, the only Klingon crew member of the U.S.S. Enterprise, advising his Captain and others to take caution or assume a defensive posture, only to get shut down again and again by his fellow officers, friends and seemingly anybody he ever came into contact with in s
Link Ink: ‘Next Generation’ and ‘Doctor Who’ Foes, Mario Shoes and Lego Inspector Gadget
Link Ink: ‘Next Generation’ and ‘Doctor Who’ Foes, Mario Shoes and Lego Inspector Gadget
Link Ink: ‘Next Generation’ and ‘Doctor Who’ Foes, Mario Shoes and Lego Inspector Gadget
Upcoming: IDW's revealed another cover for May's Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who: Assimilation2 eight-issue miniseries, which will pit the Enterprise crew and The Doctor against the Borg and The Cybermen. Oprah: Craig Thompson's Blankets has been named one of "The 8 Greatest Love Stories of All Time" by Oprah...
Link Ink: ‘Groo vs. Conan’ Coming in April, a TARDIS Purse and Early ‘Robot Chicken’
Link Ink: ‘Groo vs. Conan’ Coming in April, a TARDIS Purse and Early ‘Robot Chicken’
Link Ink: ‘Groo vs. Conan’ Coming in April, a TARDIS Purse and Early ‘Robot Chicken’
Upcoming: The first issue of the long-awaited Groo vs. Conan miniseries will arrive in comic shops in April from Mark Evanier, Sergio Aragonés, Thomas Yeates and Tom Luth. Animation: I had no idea that animated specials based on The Far Side existed, and it shames me to admit it. The A...

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