
Tons Of Superman TV Shows Get Collected In May
Tons Of Superman TV Shows Get Collected In May
Tons Of Superman TV Shows Get Collected In May
Get ready for Truth, Justice, and the Television Way, because just in time for Superman's latest big screen adventure, Warner Bros. is releasing a pretty massive collection of the Man of Steel's small screen exploits.To coincide with their 90th Anniversary, Warner Bros...
DC: Is it Really a Countdown to the End?
DC: Is it Really a Countdown to the End?
DC: Is it Really a Countdown to the End?
My first stop of the day was a DC Comics panel on Countdown. I had expected this to be a normal discussion with the people on stage talking for a while then opening the floor to questions from the audience. Instead, after the introductions of Dan DiDio, editors Mike Marts, Mike Carlin, artists Jim Calafiore and Dan Jurgens, writers Paul Dini, Sean McKeever, Adam Beechen, Tony Bedard, Justin Gray a