
'Tekken' Comes To Titan Comics From Cavan Scott & Andie Tong
'Tekken' Comes To Titan Comics From Cavan Scott & Andie Tong
'Tekken' Comes To Titan Comics From Cavan Scott & Andie Tong
Titan Comics has built up a hefty stable of video game franchises to draw stories from over the past few years, but what connects titles such as Assassin's Creed, Dishonored and Dark Souls is that there's so much more story to be told within the rich fiction created in the games. That's why the addition of Tekken to Titan's roster makes perfect sense, and this May the publisher will launch a brand new ongoing series from Cavan Scott and Andie Tong.
Pokken Tournament: Tekken-Style Pokemon Fighting Game Is Real
Pokken Tournament: Tekken-Style Pokemon Fighting Game Is Real
Pokken Tournament: Tekken-Style Pokemon Fighting Game Is Real
You would think that with the announcement of Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, the updated remakes of the Generation III titles, would've been enough big news about Pokémon for this year, but you, my friends, would be wrong. Today, it was revealed that Namco Bandai, the creators of the Tekken fighting games, were hard at work on Pokken Tournament, a new arcade style fighting game using theTekken engine, starring Pokémon.
More ‘Street Fighter X Tekken’ Minimates On The Way In February
More ‘Street Fighter X Tekken’ Minimates On The Way In February
More ‘Street Fighter X Tekken’ Minimates On The Way In February
Fighting game fans have been experiencing something of a Minimates renaissance of late, with Diamond Select Toys and Art Asylum covering Street Fighter, Darkstalkers and Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 pretty thoroughly. Starting in November, Namco Bandai will get in on the love with the first wave of Street Fighter X Tekken Minimates, which will be followed by a newly-announced second wave in Februa