Check out the best factual, historical, or biographical comics in 2016, including our critics' picks and the comics you voted the runner up and winner in this category!
Creators: For Halloween, is offering a free, spooky short story written and read by Neil Gaiman himself.
Movies: Man of Steel director Zack Snyder is remaining tight-lipped regarding just what the movie is about, and is hesitant to talk about a sequel so as to not "curse anything...
Australian fashion brand Black Milk Clothing released their latest collection this morning, which included Tetris leggings, a comic book skirt, and muscle leggings that resemble life-sized anatomy charts. Known for their previous catalog of Star Wars swimsuits and Game Boy dresses, Black Milk Clothing utilizes digital printing to create unique apparel that is frequently pop-culture-friendly, often
-- Because we know here at ComicsAlliance that you have a sick, nerdy mind, here's an article from ChicagoNow that explores five pirate books for the perverted reader.
--Human Tetris in Japan IS as cool as it sounds.
-- Cinefools talks to Brent Strickland about Wonder Woman for WB and that *gulp * fan-made Wonder Woman Megan Fox poster...