On The Cheap: Get Warren Ellis's Run On 'Stormwatch' For $12
On The Cheap: Get Warren Ellis's Run On 'Stormwatch' For $12
On The Cheap: Get Warren Ellis's Run On 'Stormwatch' For $12
This week's debut of The Wild Storm is pretty interesting for a lot of reasons, but chief among them is the return of Warren Ellis to the superhero universe that he helped to shape into the setting of some of the most compelling superhero stories of the past 20 years. Well, kind of a return, I suppose, but while the new series is a reboot from the ground up, there's definitely a history there. And with that history, as ever, comes a sale on Comixology.
The Best Marvel Event of the Past Ten Years Is... ?
The Best Marvel Event of the Past Ten Years Is... ?
The Best Marvel Event of the Past Ten Years Is... ?
The Marvel Comics line is about mid-way through its giant line-wide crossover event Secret Wars, in which reality has been rewritten by god-emperor Doom, and the heroes have been re-imagined more than a dozen times over in different domains paying tribute to stories from throughout Marvel's publishing history. One of those domains is a version of House of M, another reality-rewriting crossover event that cast the Marvel heroes in different roles, which ran ten years ago. House of M launched the current era of Marvel events, kicking off a steady steam of universe-shaking storylines that continues into Secret Wars. To mark the tenth anniversary of House of M, and ten years of event-driven storytelling, we're asking you to determine which of these events was the very best.
The Silver Surfer Cometh This Summer!
The Silver Surfer Cometh This Summer!
The Silver Surfer Cometh This Summer!
Press Release There's one superhero on everyone's mind and it's the sentinel of the spaceways himself-the Silver Surfer! Starting this Wednesday, get prepared to experience the past, present and future of the Silver Surfer as Marvel celebrates one of the most unique heroes to ever grace the pages of a comic book ...