Ben Marra Is Kickstarting 'Blades & Lazers'
In all the years that I've been going to comic book conventions, I'm pretty sure that Ben Marra is the only person I've ever walked up to and said, "I'd like to buy one of everything you have." His comics, and I mean this in the absolute best way possible, have the aesthetic of weird, stapled together drawings done in the back of math class once he'd finally perfected the Van Halen logo, and while that's probably not for everyone, it is exactly the VHS action movie-meets-80s black and white boom aesthetic I am into.
Now, everyone's getting the chance to hand over their hard earned cash for some of Marra's most bizarre comics. Not only is the completely bonkers Terror Assaulter: OMWOT: One Man War On Terror getting a full-length release from Fantagraphics, Marra has launched a Kickstarter for an oversized version of Blades & Lazers, printed with metallic blue and fluorescent pink ink.