
New ‘Super Hero Squad: Comic Combat’ Trailer Showcases Squirrel Girl [Video]
New ‘Super Hero Squad: Comic Combat’ Trailer Showcases Squirrel Girl [Video]
New ‘Super Hero Squad: Comic Combat’ Trailer Showcases Squirrel Girl [Video]
It may not require much actual drawing to play through, but THQ's upcoming Super Hero Squad: Comic Combat does cast players in the role of a new Marvel Comics artist working feverishly to complete a six-issue miniseries. Rather than mashing buttons ala the '95 classic Comix Zone, Comic Combat calls on players to steer the action of a cluster of characters by swiping around on a uDraw pen tablet...
Link Ink: New League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Wii Drawing Tablet Magic and Speed Racer’s Posse
Link Ink: New League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Wii Drawing Tablet Magic and Speed Racer’s Posse
Link Ink: New League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Wii Drawing Tablet Magic and Speed Racer’s Posse
Art: The cover to Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill's "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: 1969" has surfaced at last. I kind of want to live in it. Hollywood: Zack Snyder's upcoming "Superman" film apparently won't be based on previous movie or comic stories...