
Gallery: Famous and Strange Ads from Classic Comics
Gallery: Famous and Strange Ads from Classic Comics
Gallery: Famous and Strange Ads from Classic Comics
Page through a major publisher's comics today and you'll find ads for a lot of the nerd-culture stuff we've all become accustomed to: tabletop and video games, TV shows and movies, comics retailers, conventions, and other entertainments. There are relatively few surprises. Go back a few decades, however, and you'll find that the ads that used to run in comics are absolutely crazy. And it's not just in ways you'd expect, either. Sure, there are the ads for muscle-building programs and sea monkey kits that have been parodied ad nauseam, but that's just a taste of what's actually in those classic pages if you start digging.
Belize Fugitive John McAfee Moves to Portland, OR for Comics
Belize Fugitive John McAfee Moves to Portland, OR for Comics
Belize Fugitive John McAfee Moves to Portland, OR for Comics
Fleeing Belize after being named as a "person of interest" in a murder investigation, then deported from Guatermala after entering the country illegally - faking two heart attacks along the way in an attempt to slow down his deportation - where next for the increasingly-strange tech maven John McAfee...
The Most Insane Moments of ‘Doom Patrol’
The Most Insane Moments of ‘Doom Patrol’
The Most Insane Moments of ‘Doom Patrol’
This week's launch of "Doom Patrol" by Keith Giffen and Matthew Clark marks the return of comics' strangest team in comics, and whether it's the original "fab freaks" of the '60s, Grant Morrison's surreal team of the '80s, or the (mostly forgettable) more recent revivals, there's one thread that unites them all: They are bizarre...
Japanese Man Petitions for Right to Marry Comic Characters
Japanese Man Petitions for Right to Marry Comic Characters
Japanese Man Petitions for Right to Marry Comic Characters
It's hard to know what makes for a good marriage. Some people say it's the ability to compromise, while others feel frequent hot sex is key. Whatever you believe, most people want more than a two-dimensional drawing. There is one Japanese man, however, who wants humans to have the right to marry fictitious cartoon characters...