XKCD Strip Spotlights The Awesome That Is Carl Sagan
XKCD Strip Spotlights The Awesome That Is Carl Sagan
XKCD Strip Spotlights The Awesome That Is Carl Sagan
Count me among the crowd that's thankful for Toby, Dave & Ian, who dutifully explain the for-smart-dudes-only webcomic XKCD. I'm not saying I'm not a smart dude - I went to Syracuse, you guys - but sometimes the jokes in XKCD are a little over my head. L...
Randall Munroe On His First Book, ‘xkcd: Volume Zero’
Randall Munroe On His First Book, ‘xkcd: Volume Zero’
Randall Munroe On His First Book, ‘xkcd: Volume Zero’
If you don't know what "xkcd" is, then welcome to the internet; you must be new. The spectacularly popular strip about "romance, sarcasm, math and language, quite simply dominates the world of webcomics, scoring up to 70 million page views in a month...
‘xkcd’ Creator Explains Urinal Protocol with the Power of Math
‘xkcd’ Creator Explains Urinal Protocol with the Power of Math
‘xkcd’ Creator Explains Urinal Protocol with the Power of Math
Randall Munroe, the creator of the hilarious, has got peeing down to a science. Literally. On the 'xkcd' blog, Munroe explained the International Choice of Urinal Protocol -- e.g. how guys pick which urinal to use in a bathroom-- and broke it down for his readers with formulas, charts, and graphs...
Webcomic of the Week: Being a Fake Grownup at xkcd
Webcomic of the Week: Being a Fake Grownup at xkcd
Webcomic of the Week: Being a Fake Grownup at xkcd
At some point in everyone's young adult life, they will be called upon to behave like a Serious Grownup, even if they are not actually grown up in by any reasonable measure. And then they will smile and nod and kind of laugh hysterically on the inside, because it is hard to believe that anyone is actually entrusting them with this level of responsibility...
The 5 Best iPhone Apps for Comics
The 5 Best iPhone Apps for Comics
The 5 Best iPhone Apps for Comics
The iPhone has dominated the mobile comics market since its debut a little more than two years ago, when digital versions of comics like Jeff Smith's "Bone" began to trickle onto the App Store. Since then, comics have often charted as best-selling downloads on the device, pushing aside classic literature and even religious texts for top spots...
Webcomic of the Week — ‘Twilight’ Author Pwns 4-Chan
Webcomic of the Week — ‘Twilight’ Author Pwns 4-Chan
Webcomic of the Week — ‘Twilight’ Author Pwns 4-Chan
Xkcd imagines what would happen if "Twilight" author Stephenie Meyer went head to head with 4-chan... and it doesn't end well for the trolls. Other wins:-The superpower of shooting sunscreen from your eyes, in "Dinosaur Comics" -Telling scary campfire stories about the supernatural horror that is hipsters, while camping ...
Link Ink — Happy Birthday, Zombie Batman!
Link Ink — Happy Birthday, Zombie Batman!
Link Ink — Happy Birthday, Zombie Batman!
Danish cartoonists help celebrate Batman's 70th birthday, despite the whole "Batman being dead" thing. (via Comics Reporter) Dear readers, please ogle this underage girl and think about death, won't you? (Newsarama) Fantasy author George R. R...