‘Adventure Time 2013 Spoooktacular’ Coming From Boom! In Time For Halloween
While traditional holidays didn't necessarily carry over into the Land of Ooo after the nuclear apocalypse a.k.a. "Mushroom War," Adventure Time's supernatural-filled setting is certainly ripe for Halloween-y scary stories. With that in mind, Boom! Studios is rolling out the Adventure Time 2013 Spoooktacular special this October featuring tales of the tricky and treat-y variety by Jen Bennett, Bryce Carlson, Ming Doyle, Jones Wiedle, Jay Hosler, Kevin Church, Frazer Irving, and Jen Vaughn. Illustrating the special's covers will be Becky Dreistadt, Doyle and Wiedle. Full story details are still forthcoming, but you can give the upcoming Spoooktacular's covers a closer look after the cut.
Becky Dreistadt
Ming Doyle
Jones Wiedle