DC Nation fans have been anticipating new episodes of Young Justice ("Before the Dawn") and Green Lantern: The Animated Series ("Steam Lantern") since Cartoon Network announced the superhero-centric program block's return from hiatus last month, but the two new shorts debuting this Saturday, January 5 at 10 a.m. should prove equally -- or even more -- enticing. Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld and Thunder & Lightning are two series we've been stoked about since they were announced, and judging from their respective "Level 1: Your Quest" and "Clothes Make the Hero" clips, seem like some of the strongest candidates for full-blown series of their own. Between Amethyst's charming retooled Captain N-meets-Sailor Moon origin and Thunder & Lightning's family humor, there seems to be plenty for new viewers and current fans of the source material to dig. You can preview both new DC Nation shorts in new clips and screen shots, after the jump.

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Thunder & Lightning – "Clothes Make the Hero"

Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld – "Level 1: Your Quest"

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