Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) – 10.08.12
Although cosplay has been present for decades within the comics, anime, and sci-fi/fantasy fandoms, social media has played an integral role in the thriving communities of costuming that exist, such as and the Superhero Costuming Forum. In honor of the many fans who've displayed excellence in the mastery of homemade disguise, craftsmanship, and sartorial superheroics, ComicsAlliance has created Best Cosplay Ever (This Week), an ongoing collection of some of the most impeccable, creative, and clever costumes that we've discovered and assembled into a super-showcase of pure fan-devoted talent.
Beta Ray Bill, cosplayed by Paul
Rule 63 Deadpool, cosplayed by Jasmine Wyrick, photographed by DJPhoto
Phoenix & Emma Frost, cosplayed by Birds of 'Play
Inquisitor Lord Hector Rex, cosplayed by giedriusonline, photographed by Arvydas Bakanauskas
Gambit, cosplayed by Marie Grey, photographed by MindFall Media
Maria Hill, cosplayed by gillykins
Mako, cosplayed by kriegzilla
Batgirl, cosplayed by SupaTunaxXxCosplay, photographed by eve-neko
Doctor Strange & Clea, cosplayed by LoganAllenWolf & twinklebat, photographed by LJinto
The Goon, photographed by LJinto
Do you have a stellar costume that you would like to share with ComicsAlliance? Submit your photos HERE!