Best Cosplay Ever (This Week): Flame Con 2016 Edition
In honor of the caped crusaders of the convention scene, ComicsAlliance has created Best Cosplay Ever (This Week), an ongoing collection of some of the most impeccable, creative, and clever costumes that we’ve discovered and assembled into a super-showcase of pure fan-devoted talent.
This weekend we were at Flame Con in Brooklyn to capture the kaleidoscopic cosplay strutting through the queer comics convention's second exhibition. Highlights include Stevonnie, Wiccan, Jubilee, Stranger Things' Barb, Rufio, multiple Magnetos, and a disgruntled Asgardian coffee shop employee!
Cosplayed by Brandon the Shapeshifter.
Ms. Marvel and Storm
Ms. Marvel cosplayed by Dr. Whom.
Undyne and Dr. Alphys
Cosplayed by Tangled In Blue Cosplay and Ashbrie Cosplay.
Cosplayed by Wild Spice Photography.
Glow Cloud
Cosplayed by Bright Colorful Flickers.
Cosplayed by Princess Chris Cosplay.
Cosplayed by Alix.
Cosplayed by DUR Cosplay.
Cosplayed by Brooklyn Link Cosplay.
Barbara "Barb" Holland
Cosplayed by Lauren Ferg.
Sailor Jupiter
Cosplayed by Katie Naum.
Mystique and Magneto
Cosplayed by Michael Lamar Simeon and Scarlet SpyderQueen.
Steve Rogers and Bucky
Cosplayed by Sonic Kitty and Emily Hecht Music.
Cosima Niehaus
Cosplayed by Tydurrr.
DC Bombshells Batwoman
Cosplayed by Sarah G.
Cosplay by Marilla Designs.
Blue Lantern and Storm
Storm cosplay by Grown Geek Girl.
Barista Loki
Cosplayed by Stark Enterprises.