Best Webcomics Ever (This Week) 3.17.12

Before getting started this week, I want to point out some great articles about webcomics that you may have missed. In case you didn't know, ComicsAlliance's Lauren Davis has been doing some longer-form reviews of online titles, like Questionable Content and its evolution as a science-fiction story, the Diesel Sweeties Kickstarter, and Dylan Meconis' brillant Family Man. They're all really great and go into fine points that the short highlights I do each week.
Keep reading to find out my picks for this week, and feel free to leave a comment at the end telling me why I'm wrong. It'll be fun!
Jumping right into the picks this week, I've been fascinated with Odessa. From what I can tell, the story takes place in the late 1940s or early '50s North Carolina in a world where the Nazi party was able to overtake British forces due to an unified America, which is dealing with a new Confederate uprising under the Presidency of Joseph McCarthy. Meanwhile, a faction of Africa Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans have started a separatist movement, believing none the different would-be rulers have their best interests at heart.
Part of what makes this series great is that it immediately starts into the action and story, there's little explanation of the history, and only hints of how the country came to be so fractured. If you're looking for a webcomic to make you laugh, this is not the one.
The title of the series, Odessa, may be a reference to the Ukrainian city, which was formerly under the rule of Communist Russia, and then invaded by Romanian troops during World War II, when 25,000 people were massacred during the siege and almost 200,000 Jewish people were systematically killed over the course of the occupation until the city was liberated by the Red Army, and then remained a part of the U.S.S.R. until the 1991 collapse. Under this assumption, America's Greensboro is like Europe's Odessa, a city constantly rotating between different oppressive regimes.
Like a great mash-up of Nickelodeon style, anime character sensibility, and sort of Harry Potter feel that experiments will modern magic, Gunnerkrigg Court has been praised by readers in the comment section ever since this column got started, and it's nothing short of a failure on my part for not including it sooner.

I laughed. Isn't that the point? Herp, derp.

One of the criteria on which I judge a lot of art is whether or not the artist continues to improve, and Fanboys has most certainly gotten better with time. The characters are expressive, and I'm excited to see how they develop.

Like The Oatmeal without as much hate, this series is another one of those webcomics that makes fun of popular culture and incorporate science into its witty remarks. You know the ones, the kind that you can't get enough of because they're nerdy in all the right ways. Geekalicious!
That's all I got. Hope you'll leave a comment, or share with friends. And if you don't like any of these, you can always check out the dozens of other webcomics I've recommended over the last few weeks.
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