Nine Characters Who Need To Come Out As Bi For #BiVisibilityDay
Today is Bisexual Awareness Day, the finale of Bisexual Awareness Week. As a bisexual comics fan, I'm always on the lookout for bi characters. It's exciting how many are official now, like Catwoman, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, and probably some characters who aren't female Bat-villains as well.
We could certainly use more, though, and there are a lot of established characters who have already been hinted to be bisexual, or who very plausibly could be. So here's a list of characters who would we'd like to see come out as bi, to their benefit, our benefit, and the benefit of the companies that publish them.
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Storm (Ororo Monroe)
Every Storm fan has thought of Ororo as bisexual for decades. We can even name at least two women she's definitely been involved with: Callisto and Yukio. Greg Pak hinted at this in the recent Storm solo series, but there's really no reason to only hint at. Let Storm casually reveal it, whether through directly coming out to someone, or through acknowledging her past relationships with women. No-one who's been reading her comics will be surprised.
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You knew he was going to be on this list, right? To begin with, the "actual" mythological Hercules was bisexual, and Marvel's Hercules hews a lot closer to the mythology than its Thor. Beyond that, he's just such a fun character, and letting him be openly bi would suit him perfectly. Then there's the thing where he was already outed on panel, and Marvel walked it back. Not a good look.
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Wonder Woman
As I've discussed before, there's simply no way to come out of Paradise Island and be straight. Wonder Woman would clearly like women, and if she also likes Steve Trevor (or heaven forbid, Superman), she's going to have to be bi. Her current series has come pretty close to making it canon, but again it seems like the creators are meeting resistance somewhere.
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Jimmy Olsen
Okay, this isn't one I think there's much previous evidence for, but that doesn't mean Jimmy shouldn't be bi. After all, his role in the Superman cast is to represent the younger generation, and by all accounts, the current younger generation is pretty queer. Jimmy should be too.
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Namor, the Sub-Mariner
Namor cares more if you're a surface dweller or not than what your gender is. It's simply not something that concerns him. And he's previously expressed attraction to nonhuman creatures, noting "there are many forms of beauty." Namor's bi, although he probably considers the label too limiting.
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Red Robin (Tim Drake)
Like Jimmy Olsen, it makes sense for Tim to be updated to be more Millennial. There's also been a movement in fandom for years to let Tim be queer. And if he's bi, his relationship with Stephanie Brown can remain intact.
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Black Canary (Dinah Lance)
Gail Simone has said she wanted to reveal Black Canary as bi in her run on Birds of Prey, but never got the chance. I was hoping it might finally happen in Brenden Fletcher and Annie Wu's Black Canary series, given the rock and roll lifestyle she was living in it, but no such luck.
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Betty Cooper
As a bisexual Archie fan, I'd like to see a bi character in Riverdale. And as a Betty Cooper fan, I think she would be a perfect character through whom to tell a story about coming out as bi to your friends and family. And the situations, both dramatic and comic, that could come from Archie and Veronica's reactions in particular would make for great comics.
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Kitty Pryde
Kitty's another character who we can all agree has been written as bi for much of her history, and just never quite made it out of the closet on panel. Even Chris Claremont, her creator, has said that he intended her relationship with Rachel Summers to be romantic. When her on-and-off relationship with Star-Lord is off again, that'll be the perfect time to do a story that deals honestly with her sexuality.