Brian Stelfreeze’s Crime Syndicate Redesigns Are As Great As You Would Expect
Whether it's his illustrious covers for Shadow of the Bat, the many sketches of his that we throw in our Best Art Ever feature, or his recent work on Day Men for BOOM, we're always fascinated by the impeccable design work of Brian Stelfreeze. If you've ever had the pleasure of making his acquaintance, you likely know that Stelfreeze thoroughly enjoys discussing art and design, including taking a stab at his own updates of popular characters from time to time.
Case in point: in recent weeks the venerable artist has been sketching his own redesigns for the Crime Syndicate -- and posting them online at the Fans of Brian Stelfreeze Yahoo Group -- likely inspired by their current reappearance in the pages of DC Comics Forever Evil storyline. Stelfreeze's designs are, as you would expect, very impressive, and very well thought out.
These are all very good, but I think the two that really stand out to me are Owlman and Superwoman. Batman's opposite number carrying a very large gun makes so much sense I'm surprised it never occurred to me. And a badass version of Wonder Woman rocking an Angela Davis style afro is the comic I never knew I always wanted.
[Via Robot 6]