CA Best of 2015: Cast Your Vote for Character Most In Need Of A Solo Book in 2016
2015 was an outstanding year for comics; a year of great books by amazing talents, both new and established. But what were the highlights? We’re asking you to pick the best comics, creators, and more in 2015.
This poll is your chance to vote for the character most in need of a solo book as we head into 2016. These are all characters that didn't have their own books in a few years, and in some cases they've never had a book at all --- but all of them are fan favorites!
The nominees for character most in need of a solo book are America Chavez, Batwoman, Booster Gold, Emma Frost, Etrigan, Jamie Reyes (Blue Beetle), Jessica Jones, Kate Bishop, Lois Lane, Misty Knight, Shade the Changing Man, Shazam/Captain Marvel, Supergirl, and Zatanna.
Voting is open until midnight EST on Saturday December 12. Vote in the other Best of 2015 polls here.
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