
‘Avengers Infinity War’ Adds Terry Notary as Unnamed Villain
‘Avengers Infinity War’ Adds Terry Notary as Unnamed Villain
‘Avengers Infinity War’ Adds Terry Notary as Unnamed Villain
Motion-capture is a pretty big business these days, what with all these science fiction franchises featuring tons of computer animated creatures and characters. Mo-cap has been around for a while, but these days, with movies like Avatar and Warcraft and even the new Planet of the Apes series featuring whole worlds built around CGI characters, it seems everyone’s got a hand in the mo-cap pie. We knew that Avengers: Infinity War would feature at least one completely CGI character — Thanos — but with a new cast addition it looks like there will be at least one more.
ResurrXion Resurrects Marvel Corner Boxes, After A Fashion
ResurrXion Resurrects Marvel Corner Boxes, After A Fashion
ResurrXion Resurrects Marvel Corner Boxes, After A Fashion
Maybe I'm biased as a comics fan of a certain age, but I often feel like everyone is nostalgic for corner box art on comics covers, even those who weren't necessarily buying comics when those little boxes were a staple. For the uninitiated, I'm talking about the little rectangle in the upper left corner of a comics cover, which would feature some manner of portrait of the book's main characters. While many comics companies had corner boxes, they're most associated with Marvel (probably because DC never really got into them).
Soule & Camuncoli Lead 'Darth Vader' Towards The Dark Side
Soule & Camuncoli Lead 'Darth Vader' Towards The Dark Side
Soule & Camuncoli Lead 'Darth Vader' Towards The Dark Side
Marvel's Star Wars tie-in comics have been one of the publisher's strongest arms since it acquired the license, and it's no surprise that it would look launch a new Darth Vader ongoing title at some point. The new Darth Vader series by Charles Soule and Giuseppe Camuncoli is said to dig into Anakin Skywalker's nascent days as a newly-minted Sith lord, as he attempts to build the iconic red lightsaber he wields in the films.
Watch Ironheart Soar In MIT's Pi Day Recruitment Video
Watch Ironheart Soar In MIT's Pi Day Recruitment Video
Watch Ironheart Soar In MIT's Pi Day Recruitment Video
Riri Williams AKA Ironheart has been a big breakout star for Marvel Comics in the past year, but very few people would have expected a live-action treatment so soon. While she's not showing up in Avengers: Infinity War, she made the leap to the real-world in a fan-film produced by students attending the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as part of its annual "Pi Day" celebrations, welcoming new students to the college.
Gorillas in Our Midst: A History of Gorillas in Comics
Gorillas in Our Midst: A History of Gorillas in Comics
Gorillas in Our Midst: A History of Gorillas in Comics
Comics and gorillas have gone hand in furry hand since the earliest days of the medium, and this statement goes beyond simply superhero comics. While these great apes have certainly flourished within the superhero genre, they can also be found in numerous jungle action, science fiction, and horror stories in every era of comics. With the release of a new King Kong movie in theaters this week, it's a perfect time to take a survey of the history of gorillas in comics.
Your Favorite Murder Droids Are Getting Exclusive Statues
Your Favorite Murder Droids Are Getting Exclusive Statues
Your Favorite Murder Droids Are Getting Exclusive Statues
So whose your favorite Star Wars droid? I don't mean C-3PO or R2-D2, or BB-8 or K-2SO. I'd even be a little disappointed if you said Chopper. Those are all fine droids, but there are so many interesting robots lurking around the edges of the Star Wars Galaxy, just waiting to be discovered and appreciated. Two of the very best are BT-1 and Triple Zero, who first appeared in Marvel's Darth Vader comic, by Kieron Gillen and Salvador Larroca.
‘Logan’s Ending Had Been Foreshadowed in ‘The Wolverine’
‘Logan’s Ending Had Been Foreshadowed in ‘The Wolverine’
‘Logan’s Ending Had Been Foreshadowed in ‘The Wolverine’
Logan is the conclusion Hugh-Jackman-as-Wolverine’s story deserves, and it’s one that fans of the character have been waiting for for quite a while. The other two solo Wolverine movies weren’t exactly well-received, although one could make an argument for the quality of 2013’s The Wolverine — you know, the one where he goes to Japan. As it turns out, the emotional, heartwrenching ending of Logan had been planned out ever since one key scene in The Wolverine. [The rest of this post contains SPOILERS for Logan — as in, I am going to tell you the ending. So if you haven’t seen it and don’t want to know, do not keep reading.]
‘Atlanta’s Zazie Beetz Will Play Domino in ‘Deadpool 2’
‘Atlanta’s Zazie Beetz Will Play Domino in ‘Deadpool 2’
‘Atlanta’s Zazie Beetz Will Play Domino in ‘Deadpool 2’
Deadpool 2 is officially starting production this year, and after a rocky start that involved a director’s exit and some script finagling, finally the movie seems to be back on track. We know that Cable will be in this one (though we still don’t know for sure who’s playing him), and rumors abounded earlier this year that Fox was casting around for an actress to play Domino. Today, we finally know that, yes, Domino will be in the movie, and Atlanta star Zazie Beetz will play her.
Every Ape I See: The Best Gorilla Comic Book Covers
Every Ape I See: The Best Gorilla Comic Book Covers
Every Ape I See: The Best Gorilla Comic Book Covers
For as long as there have been comic books full of men and women dressed in bright colors performing heroic deeds, there have been comic books involving giant mutant gorillas standing in their way. It was established in the Silver Age that if you put a gorilla on the cover, you would sell more copies of that comic, so there's a wealth of amazing covers with noble apes front-and-center. This gallery collects some of the best.
Telltale Reveals First 'Guardians of the Galaxy' Screens, Voice Cast
Telltale Reveals First 'Guardians of the Galaxy' Screens, Voice Cast
Telltale Reveals First 'Guardians of the Galaxy' Screens, Voice Cast
Announced late last year, Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series is the fan-favorite developer's first attempt at crafting an episodic adventure in the Marvel Universe. It's not the first game from Telltale to take place in space, nor is it the first Telltale game based on a movie, but it is the first to have a talking raccoon and tree. So there's that. While details have been slim since the announcement teaser, ahead of PAX East Telltale Games has released the first batch of official screenshots from the upcoming game. What's more, Telltale's also revealed the voice cast behind our favorite space-faring heroes.

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