Mezco's made some respectable headway in 2011 by bringing DC heroes and villains to the vinyl figure market with mini Mez-Itz with Superman, Batman and Green Lantern. This fall promises even more mini action with three new two-packs collecting Batman Beyond's Dark Knight/Cyborg, Flash/Captain Cold and the supernatural set of Doctor Fate/The Demon Etrigan.Each of the two-packs is currently available for preorder at BBTS with a price tag of roughly $11 a piece or $30 for all three. Due out in September, this second wave will only trail the first batch by about two months.

It's a bit of a surprise that none of DC's heroines have landed mini Mez-Itz just yet, but considering David E. Kelly's Wonder Woman TV series isn't too far in the offing, that could change by 2012. In the meantime, it'd be just as nice to see Mezco release blank 2" mini Mez-Itz for impatient customizers.

See full-sized early image art below:

[Via BBTS]

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