Emily Carroll Takes On The Murder Of Ann Herron In ‘Frontier’ #6
Being a subscriber to Youth in Decline's excellent Frontier series of monographs by artists such as Hellen Jo, Sam Alden, Emily Carroll, and more, doesn't make me any less excited whenever the publisher shares sneak peeks and information about upcoming books. The sixth (and final for 2014) installment of Frontier is a new, original comic work by the amazing Emily Carroll titled 'Ann by the Bed,' and once again promises to be another perfectly executed slice of eerie horror from the cartoonist.
"Oh, my love… Do you know how many houses there are in town? In the county? Out of so many houses, there is very little chance the lion will come to ours."
Being British, I was initially a little confused as to whether this had any connection to the 1990 murder of Ann Heron, who was murdered in her house whilst sunbathing (her throat was cut), and whose killer was never bought to justice. Carroll's story, however, is an independent, fictitious narrative set in Southern Ontario whose doomed character happens to share a very similar name to real-life person. 'Ann by the Bed' looks to be more about an old murder that has passed somewhat into lore, with people playing games, invoking ghosts to untold consequences, and so forth.
Clocking in at 32 full-colour pages, Frontier #6: 'Ann in the Bed', will debut on November 8th at Comic Arts Brooklyn (CAB), and is available for pre-order online in the Youth in Decline shop now.
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