‘Ghostbusters’ Board Game Launches On Kickstarter, Promising Real Wrath Of God Type Stuff
Good news for those of you who have been wondering who to call if there's an invisible man sleeping in your bed: Cryptozoic launched a Kickstarter campaign today for a Ghostbusters board game, and it looks awesome.
Set for release, appropriately enough, by Halloween of this year, the game is for one to four players, with reversible tiles for the board and cooperative mechanics that allow you to play as the characters from the 1984 classic, duking it out with enemies from the movies, the cartoon, and the comics. And if you're a fan of the IDW books -- which I am -- there's a pretty good reason to be excited: The designs for the characters were all done by comic artist Dan Schoening.
Based on what we can see from the Kickstarter, the Ghostbusters game combines a lot of what I really like in board games -- cooperative gameplay, RPG-style leveling up mechanics, a board that can be arranged in different combinations, Bill Murray -- into a neat package. That's not really a surprise, though, since Cryptozoic has done a pretty great job with licensed games in the past, like the DC Comics Deckbuilding game. And like that game, Ghostbusters also includes an "Impossible" mode with added difficulty, although that's reserved for people who kick in a little more than the standard eighty bucks.
Unsurprisingly, the Kickstarter launched this morning and has already racked up a hundred grand, which means that it's prooooobably going to end up succeeding. It seems busting (through stretch goals) does, in fact, make one feel good.