Catch All the ‘Green Lantern: The Animated Series’ Clips From Comic-Con [Video]
Though Cartoon Network's Green Lantern: The Animated Series Comic-Con panel only lasted about half an hour before Conan O'Brien dropped in with a trailer for The Flaming C, a solid chunk of that time was dedicated to showing off footage from the upcoming CG animated series. Comics Continuum has posted the panel's six and a half minutes worth of footage, which sees Hal Jordan save a train, chat with his bosses the Guardians, flirt with a artificial intelligence and steal a spaceship with his partner Kilowog. Check out the new footage after the jump.In the new series, Hal Jordan and Kilowog travel to a distant sector of space to battle the Red Lantern Corps. While the odds might seem overwhelming, the duo has the benefit of a ship that runs on a giant, sharable power battery, plus a potential ally within the Red Lantern ranks called Razor.
The new series still hasn't received an official release date, but is expected to arrive on CN in 2012.
See the Comic-Con clips of Green Lantern: The Animated Series below:
[Via ComicsContinuum]