If you had any remaining doubt regarding Zack Snyder’s gritty and totally jacked aesthetic for the DC universe, look no further than J.K. Simmons. The Oscar-winning character actor is apparently getting totally ripped for Justice League, giving us a Commissioner Gordon unlike any we’ve seen before. If you were expecting the sensible sweater-wearing, gruff-yet-kindly law enforcement official you’ve come to know and admire, you’ll need to adjust those ideas accordingly.

Batman-News picked up this photo from Instagram, posted by celebrity trainer and Marine Aaron Williamson. In it, J.K. Simmons is getting properly pumped up for his role in Justice League, sporting some bulging biceps that would make The Rock proud:

Commissioner Gordon or professional wrestler? The only word to describe this photo of Simmons is JACKED. A buff version of the classic Batman ally certainly isn’t expected, but it’s not entirely surprising in Snyder’s DC movie universe, either. Batman v Superman featured a slightly different take on Alfred, and although we didn’t learn much about him in the film (aside from his hope that Bruce would settle down with a nice lady and start a damn family already), the official companion book revealed his past as a special forces operative skilled in combat, weapons and intelligence.

So what’s Simmons’ Commissioner Gordon going to be like? Maybe a former Marine, possibly a one-time Mr. Universe champ? We’ll find out soon enough, I reckon.

Justice League hits theaters on November 17, 2017.

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