Kevin Conroy’s Zur-En-Arrh Episode Of ‘Batman: The Brave and the Bold’ Postponed
A lot of fans were disappointed when last week's episode of "Batman: The Brave and the Bold" didn't air as originally scheduled. "The Super-Batman of Planet X" installment guest starring former "Batman: The Animated Series" and "Justice League Unlimited" voice actor Kevin Conroy as the Batman of Zurr-En-Arrh would have seen two Batmen battle the evil Rhotul.

While Diedrich Bader's voice is perfect for the Dark Knight's Silver Age-style antics on "The Brave and the Bold," if "Batman: Arkham Asylum" reminded fans of anything, it's that Conroy's calculated cool will likely never be replicated.
We at CA echo ToplessRobot's sentiment that waiting for this episode's eventual air date will feel like an eternity now that we've tasted two beloved Batmen vocal tones on one show. Hopefully Cartoon Network posts a new Bat Schedule soon.
Don't fear running against Olympic events CN! I stream the "Brave and the Bold" episodes next-day anyway.
Check out a clip from the episode after the jump.
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