Animation: DC Nation's Super Pets are set to debut next Wednesday on Cartoon Network. Get a taste of the upcoming animal action right here, right now. [CA]

Lupin III cast

Movies: Just in case you couldn't make them out in the trailer, new stills of the cast of the live action Lupin III movie looks like this. [CinemaToday]


Music: BABYMETAL is going on a world tour. If you live anywhere near their tour dates and you don't go, I don't even know what to tell you. [Crunchyroll]


Nintendo Figure Platform

Gaming: Nintendo will launch a Skylanders/Disney Infinity-like product line by the end of the year called NFP a.k.a. the Nintendo Figure Program. [Arcade Sushi]


avengers discovery

IRL: Marvel’s Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N. exhibit at Discovery Times Square looks like a big movie commercial. [Robot6]


Adventure Time logo

Gaming: The next Adventure Time video game will be titled Adventure Time: The Secret of the Nameless Kingdom. [Little Orbit]

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