Upcoming: Though The Walking Dead For Kids! was only an April Fool's Day joke at ECCC, G-Man creator Chris Giarusso really is illustrating recreations of twelve iconic Image covers to celebrate the publisher's 20th anniversary, including Youngblood # 1 (for Youngblood #71) in May. [Image]

Lists: Topless Robot examines 20 G.I. Joe action figure filecards that will never stop blowing your mind in the best way. [TR]

Movies: The sequel to X-Men: First Class will begin shooting in January. [THR]

Movies: Captain America and the Hulk bond in a new The Avengers movie clip. [Wired]

TV: Powers may not be making it to TV with its previous cast, but the process to make the live action adaptation of Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Avon Oeming's police procedural a reality is still ongoing. [CBR]

Music: Animetal USA will release its second album of anime/tokusatsu covers, "Animetal USA W," on June 6. [JEFusion]

Toys: To counter the multiple Captain Action Marvel costumes, Round 2 and Captain Action Enterprises have a Loki costume in store for Dr. Evil to wear. [Marvelousnews]

Art: If Cabin in the Woods is half as cool as Mondo's poster for it, I may end up trying it out. [Cinemablend]

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