Marvel Fest NYC 2009 Coming Soon
Outside of comic book conventions, there aren't a whole lot of places X-Men fans can go to see their favorite creators, sport costumes to the immediate approval of onlookers and generally strike up mutant-oriented conversation.
Marvel's taken the liberty of providing one more such oasis for fans in the New York City area, however, with Wednesday, Oct. 28's Marvel Fest NYC 2009.
Neal Adams, Chris Claremont, and Dan Slott begin signing autographs at Forbidden Planet at 4 p.m. followed by a special ginourmous screening of the "Astonishing X-Men" motion comic at Union Square beginning at 6 p.m.. There's also a costume contest with prizes and giveaways (presumably) aplenty.
Did I mention I wish I could go?
I could keep on telling you about it, but it's probably a better idea to show it. After the jump, check out the latest "Marvel Super Heroes: What The --?!" for a MODOKlicious commercial...
See, wasn't that more fun that just reading about it?
[Via ICv2]
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