ComicsAlliance’s Best Of 2016: Outstanding Editor Of 2016
Our writers and editors have made their picks of the best comics and creators of the past year, and you, the readers of ComicsAlliance, have voted for your favorites. Check out the best comic book editors of 2016, including our critics’ picks, listed in alphabetical order, and the editors you voted the runner up and winner in this category! This is the very best of 2016!
Critics' Pick: Wil Moss
Wil Moss has presided over many of the best and brightest lights in the Marvel Universe circa 2016. His portfolio includes Vision, perhaps the most critically acclaimed book of the year; Black Panther and Thor, both important books in terms of representation; and Howard the Duck and Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, part of Marvel’s "secret fun division" that soldiers on in the face of crossovers. With 2017, Moss is promising to bring us America Chavez in a solo title, cementing his reputation as Marvel's best editor. [Charlotte Finn]
Critics' Pick: C. Spike Trotman
C. Spike Trotman had a very busy year. In addition to creating her own content such as the erotic comic Yes, Roya, Trotman has also been hard at work publishing innovative work through her Iron Circus Comics imprint. On top of running several successful Kickstarter campaigns, Trotman also edits some of the most exciting anthologies being published today. This year she produced the incredible erotic anthology My Monster Boyfriend, and Kickstarted Noora Heikkilä's Letters For Lucardo. We can't wait to see what she does next. [Zina H]
Critics' Pick: Shannon Watters
Boom Studios is the industry’s vanguard publisher for all-ages comics, queer comics, and, appropriately, the two combined. For that, Boom and readers alike have Shannon Watters to thank. As head editor for its KaBoom and Boom Box imprints (the former centered on all-ages series, the latter often pulling from webcomics talent), Watters has given a home and direction to titles like Lumberjanes (which she co-created), Adventure Time, Goldie Vance, The Backstagers, Bee and Puppycat, and Steven Universe — all of which carve a more inclusive and kind future. [Jon Erik Christianson]
Runner-Up: Mark Doyle
2016 saw major changes at DC Comics, with the DC Rebirth relaunch of all the publisher's comics starting in May. The Batman family of characters had the strongest relaunch thanks to the vision and talent-scouting of group editor Mark Doyle. Detective Comics in particularly has been widely heralded as one of the best DC series this year. It takes strong leadership to deliver a killer line-up of comics, especially at the Big Two, and the Batman group is in excellent hands with Doyle. [Emma Lawson]
Winner: Sarah Gaydos
Sarah Gaydos has overseen a lot of big licenses at IDW, bringing great storytellers to work on titles ranging from the superb all-ages Disney books to the acclaimed Hasbro franchises, but she's perhaps most strongly associated with IDW's Star Trek comics, which take full advantage of the medium to tell stories you might never see on the screen, from cross-timeline team-ups to extended journeys to the mirror universe. Trek in comics has a deep history, and under Gaydos' tenure the IDW Trek comics have added greatly to the lore. [Charlotte Finn]