Parting Shot: Public Radio Profiles the World of Comics Culture
We recently asked CA readers who donated to Superman fan Mike Meyer after the theft of his comics collection to reach out to State of the Re:Union, a national radio show that airs on 215 public radio stations, including NPR. Although they typically focus on telling the stories of communities around the United States, they decided to dedicate their latest episode to a community that is united not by geography but by a shared love of artistic medium and culture -- specifically, comics culture.
The show not only includes many of the responses from your calls in its segment on Mike, but also focuses on stories that will likely be familiar to ComicsAlliance readers like the theft (and restoration) of Mike Meyer's Superman collection, the heartwrenching story of Erik Martin (a.k.a. Electron Boy), the real-life superheroics of Phoenix Jones, recent controversies over the representations of women in superhero comics, and the transformation of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles from indie comic to international phenomenon. Expect familiar names like former DC Editor Joan Hilty, writer Gail Simone, and ComicsAlliance contributor Bethany Fong. Oh, and I show up for a while too during the second segment.
There's a breakdown of the segments after the jump, and you can listen to the entire show via the mp3 available here, or head to the SOTRU website to listen to them individually.Segment A: The episode kicks off with host Al Letson talking about his secret 'nerdy' side. Then, a passionate Superman fan gets taken advantage of, and the comics community pitches in to help.
Segment B: Comics Alliance editor Laura Hudson causes an uproar in the comics community over an editorial about the portrayal of women in comics. Then, Cowabunga Dude! We visit the town that birthed the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Segment C: A letter from an unlikely comic book fan. We learn about Cosplay, then meet a man who transformed himself into a superhero. Finally, an emotional story about a boy's wish to become a superhero.
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