Marvel's Strange Tales anthology returned with its second series last October, winning our hearts yet again by pairing up a long list of indie and webcomic creators like Kate Beaton (Hark! A Vagrant), Nicholas Gurewitch (Perry Bible Fellowship), and Gilbert and Jaime Hernandez (Love and Rockets) for a series of quirky, unconventional stories that take your favorite Marvel superheroes way outside of their usual wheelhouse.

The Strange Tales II hardcover hits shelves in April, but we have the Thor-themed Strange Tales II book cover by Kate Beaton right now, along with the complete Galactus/Magneto story by Nick Gurewitch, and the X-Men/Spider-Man story by Michael Deforge.

ComicsAlliance interviewed both Kate Beaton and Nick Gurewitch about the series -- and posted an excerpt from the comic where they teamed up to co-create a Strange Tales II comic -- and their work at Marvel has proven as delightful as their work on the web.

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