'Convergence: The Atom' Is The Year's Weirdest Superhero Comic
If DC's Convergence event has given us anything, it's an opportunity for creators go back to characters and continuities that we thought we were done, and set a few things right. You can see it in books like The Question or Nightwing/Oracle, where characters and relationships are finally getting the closure that they never really got while they were part of the ongoing DC Universe. It's that idea of going back and correcting something that forms the core of what Tom Peyer, Steve Yeowell and Andy Owens have done in the pages of Convergence: The Atom, dealing with the death of Ryan Choi at the hands of Deathstroke the Terminator.
The thing is, with The Atom, they're doing that with the most completely ludicrous comic of the 21st Century, and it's amazing.