
Is Frank Cho The Last Champion Of Straight Men's Boners?
Is Frank Cho The Last Champion Of Straight Men's Boners?
Is Frank Cho The Last Champion Of Straight Men's Boners?
As you know, straight men are the most persecuted group in the world today. They used to live in a utopia where everything was tailored to meet their needs, but that's changed. There's a female Ghostbusters movie coming out! The video game Rust randomly assigns gender! Two different Star Wars movies have female leads! And also, sometimes there are naked women on Game of Thrones that they don't want to bone! The social justice warriors did all this, of course. They rode into town with their feminism and their rainbows, and they ruined everything, and suddenly people are expected to respect the essential humanity of all people. It's political correctness gone mad! But perhaps the greatest crime of the SJW agenda was that time people suggested that using a sexualized image of Spider-Woman by acclaimed erotic artist Milo Manara (a tribute to one of his own Penthouse Comix covers) to help promote a book courting female readers was inappropriate. It's censorship! Thankfully Frank Cho was on hand to protect the struggling marginalized voices of men who want women's bodies to be used to sell products regardless of intended audience. And though that Manara cover came out two years ago, Cho hasn't given up the fight.
Comics Alliance Presents 'Kate Or Die' In 'Tragedy Strikes'
Comics Alliance Presents 'Kate Or Die' In 'Tragedy Strikes'
Comics Alliance Presents 'Kate Or Die' In 'Tragedy Strikes'
Welcome to the latest episode of ComicsAlliance Presents “Kate or Die,” a series of exclusive comic strips created by one of our favorite cartoonists, Kate Leth! In this episode, Kate talks about the grave perils of having an entire superhero team that's all the same gender. Yes, an entire superhero team that's all men. Can you even? We can't even. Warning: This comic contains the word 'boners', and other grown-up language.
Master Your Genitals With Fraction & Zdarsky's 'Just The Tips'
Master Your Genitals With Fraction & Zdarsky's 'Just The Tips'
Master Your Genitals With Fraction & Zdarsky's 'Just The Tips'
If you've been reading Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky's Sex Criminals (and honestly, I'm pretty sure that if you're reading this, you are), then you've probably noticed that one of the best parts of the comic comes in the letters page where the two creators offer the reader tips for a better sex life. Wait, no. "Better" is probably not the right word. Oh well, you get the idea. Either way, the tips have been very enthusiastically received, and with the success of Sex Criminals, Fraction and Zdarsky are looking to spread the word and penetrate the market by collecting them in Just The Tips a handsome, 96-page hardcover that will look great on your coffee table, or hastily thrown under the sofa when your parents visit. And just in case that doesn't arouse your interest, we've got a massive 23-page preview of the tips and sex positions ready for your perusal. Please be advised, though, this is extremely not safe for work, unless your work is 100% cool with drawings of boners and buttholes, in which case you probably work for ComicsAlliance and saw it already.