Warner Bros. supposedly has years of DC Comics movies mapped out, but the map keep changing before our eyes. Officially announced titles include this year’s Justice League and Wonder Woman, and next year’s Aquaman and a Shazam movie featuring Dwayne Johnson. But beyond the immediate future, things look more hazy. Will we get a solo film with Ben Affleck’s Batman? What’s the story with The Flash, which has gone through directors faster than its title character could run on his cosmic treadmill. And then there’s the case of Superman. He got a sort-of sequel to Man of Steel in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, but the Man of Tomorrow was mostly a supporting character in his own movie there. Will Warner Bros. deliver an official Man of Steel 2?
Based on the images we’ve seen so far (and just the images), it’s fair to assume that Justice League is a movie about A. a long-haired metal-head who starts a rock cover band with a group of people in unnecessarily elaborate costumes, or B. a team of superheroes who spend their time aggressively posing and staring at things offscreen. Either way, it seems like it could be a good time.
For gentiles far and wide, yesterday was a day of rest and relaxation; Henry Cavill spent it making headlines. Today brings a twofer of Super-news in the post-Christmas lull:
Over the summer, a report suggested that Warner Bros. had put Man of Steel 2 in “active development,” despite reports in 2015 that the sequel to Zack Snyder’s Superman film had been placed on permanent hold. Warner Bros. has yet to confirm plans for a new standalone Superman sequel, but it looks like someone else just did it for them: Henry Cavill’s manager.
Look, in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a Goodyear tire! No, it’s the new Superman costume from Justice League. Seemingly confirming rumors that the Man of Steel will be wearing a black suit in Zack Snyder’s next superhero epic, Henry Cavill shared a new close-up shot of the Superman costume from the set of the upcoming film — and although you can’t see the entire thing, it is most certainly black.
Despite Zack Snyder’s assertion that Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is basically a sequel to Man of Steel (it’s totally not), fans are still wondering if and when we might see Superman get a proper standalone follow-up. But Warner Bros.’ DC slate is fairly crowded with two Justice League movies and solo films for Wonder Woman, The Flash, Batman, Aquaman and Cyborg. Last we heard, WB put plans for Man of Steel 2 on “permanent hold,” while Snyder and Henry Cavill expressed interest in the sequel if they could find the time for it. And it looks like that time may be approaching.