
Lawyer Writes A Five-Page Brief About eBook Price-Fixing In Comic Form
Lawyer Writes A Five-Page Brief About eBook Price-Fixing In Comic Form
Lawyer Writes A Five-Page Brief About eBook Price-Fixing In Comic Form
When California lawyer Bob Kohn tried to file his 55-page amicus brief to oppose the settlement in the Department of Justice ebook case US v. Apple Inc., et al., the court ordered him to whittle his argument down to five pages. So how does he present a detailed argument about the economics of ebooks, price-fixing and collusion in just five pages...
Yale’s Law Library Awesomely Exhibits Superheroes in Court
Yale’s Law Library Awesomely Exhibits Superheroes in Court
Yale’s Law Library Awesomely Exhibits Superheroes in Court
The Lillian Goldman Law Library at Yale University is one of the most storied (no pun intended) in the world, with a prodigious collection of law books that includes everything from recent work by today's most eminent lawyers and judges to the most arcane legal texts of centuries past...