
Cookbooks And Craft: Natalie Riess on Space Battle Lunchtime
Cookbooks And Craft: Natalie Riess on Space Battle Lunchtime
Cookbooks And Craft: Natalie Riess on Space Battle Lunchtime
Whether it's to a Lisa Frank-ian medieval fantasy dimension or a dish-or-die intergalactic cooking competition, artist and writer Natalie Riess knows a thing or two about sending unwitting Earthlings to dangerous and dazzling new locales. Riess herself is the first person (Earthling or otherwise) to have a project greenlit through 2015's Oni Press open submissions program, where she landed Space Battle Lunchtime, an eight-issue miniseries about an Earthen pastry chef brought to compete for her life in not one, but two cooking competitions. Riess is also known for Snarlbear, her four-year-old comic about a monster slayer in the violent yet vibrant Rainbow Dimension. ComicsAlliance sat down with Riess at the Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo where, minutes before the interview, she had just won the day's Iron Cartoonist competition. It turns out creating comics about cooking-themed competitions prepares you to compete in them too.
Weekender: Zunar, Koyama Press, and Jess Fink's Sexy Robot
Weekender: Zunar, Koyama Press, and Jess Fink's Sexy Robot
Weekender: Zunar, Koyama Press, and Jess Fink's Sexy Robot
What a week! I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to sit back and read some comics. The weekend is finally here, and the world can relax and rest once more — but the comics industry has been busy too, you know, and the last seven days have seen a flurry of comics-based news and announcements fly past at high speed. ComicsAlliance has got your back, though: when it comes to comics, we never slow down, so here’s a look back and just what’s been going on. New comics, new stories, new podcasts, new art being made — it’s all part of the ComicsAlliance Weekender!
A Mighty Mouse Takes Flight
A Mighty Mouse Takes Flight
A Mighty Mouse Takes Flight
Once in awhile a story comes along at just the right time in the news cycle that it absolutely confounds a blogger with a clever, if near irrelevant way to spin its content. Case in point: anti-grav rodents. As Livescience explains: Scientists have now levitated mice using magnetic fields...
Outside the Lines: Human Language Gene Spliced Into Mice
Outside the Lines: Human Language Gene Spliced Into Mice
Outside the Lines: Human Language Gene Spliced Into Mice
We've all been charmed by "Mouse Guard," David Petersen's story of noble (but adorable!) 12th century talking mice, and anthropomorphic versions of animals have always played a big role in comics from "We3" to Donald Duck. Now, we might be one step closer to giving animals human speech capabilities, as the "New York Times" explains:People have a deep desire to communi