X-23 Gon' Give It To Ya: Five Essential Laura Kinney Stories
The recently released trailer for Logan — Hugh Jackman's final outing as Wolverine — has fans hopeful it could be the best in what can generously be referred to as a patchy trilogy of solo films for the character. The central focus for the new trailer is the young girl left in Logan's care by Professor X, who it was revealed will be called "Laura" confirming her as at least analogous to Laura Kinney, the X-Man formerly known as X-23 and currently starring as the new Wolverine in All-New Wolverine.
Laura first appeared in the animated series X-Men Evolution before making the leap to the comics as Wolverine discovered the existence of his teenage female clone. Laura has been a huge part of Marvel Comics for over twelve years now, and there's a lot of continuity packed in there, but we've picked out the five best comics to help familiarize yourself with the character.