Ryan Reynolds

‘Deadpool’ Won’t Hit Theaters in China
‘Deadpool’ Won’t Hit Theaters in China
‘Deadpool’ Won’t Hit Theaters in China
What you see above is a new TV spot for Deadpool, which promises all the violence and mayhem and profanity that should come with a proper adaptation of the beloved comic book character. Unfortunately for fans in China, it’s that content in particular that’s keeping the film from hitting theaters in their country.
‘Deadpool’ Officially Rated R for All the Reasons You Expect
‘Deadpool’ Officially Rated R for All the Reasons You Expect
‘Deadpool’ Officially Rated R for All the Reasons You Expect
As promised by Ryan Reynolds and director Tim Miller, Deadpool is going to be much more faithful to the comics than the last time we saw the Merc With a Mouth on the big screen (the less said about that experience, the better). And to further illustrate that point, the film has officially earned an R rating, for all the reasons you might expect.
‘Deadpool’ Has Romance, Roundhouse Kicks in Posters, TV Spot
‘Deadpool’ Has Romance, Roundhouse Kicks in Posters, TV Spot
‘Deadpool’ Has Romance, Roundhouse Kicks in Posters, TV Spot
Lest you forget, we’re just a month away from the release of Deadpool, with Ryan Reynolds and director Tim Miller promising an R-rated, gleefully violent, totally profane and very faithful film featuring a proper version of the Merc With a Mouth. And while the latest TV spot reiterates all of those fine points, a new set of satirical posters reveal that Deadpool is also something you probably never considered: the greatest love story of our time.
‘Deadpool’ Debuts New Images, Official Runtime Revealed
‘Deadpool’ Debuts New Images, Official Runtime Revealed
‘Deadpool’ Debuts New Images, Official Runtime Revealed
The 12 Days of Deadpool may have ended on Christmas Day with the reveal of those red and green band trailers, but that hasn’t stopped 20th Century Fox from dropping new images and details almost daily since then. Today brings a few more images, including one of Morena Baccarin, as well as a report on the official runtime of the Merc With a Mouth’s R-rated solo outing.
‘Deadpool’ Photos Show Off X-Men Costume, Dusty Angel Dust
‘Deadpool’ Photos Show Off X-Men Costume, Dusty Angel Dust
‘Deadpool’ Photos Show Off X-Men Costume, Dusty Angel Dust
Surprise! More new Deadpool photos have arrived online. Although the 12 Days of Deadpool came to an end with the red and green band trailers on Christmas Day, even more photos and details from the Merc With a Mouth’s R-rated solo outing have been popping up daily since then, with the latest batch of photos showing off an X-Men connection and a very dusty Angel Dust.
New ‘Deadpool’ Images Feature Axe-Wielding Ajax
New ‘Deadpool’ Images Feature Axe-Wielding Ajax
New ‘Deadpool’ Images Feature Axe-Wielding Ajax
The trailers for Deadpool have shown off the anti-superhero film’s anti-superhero sense of humor, some interesting supporting characters boasting some enhanced abilities, lots of violence, plenty of one-liners, and even a few glimpses of X-Men pal Colossus. And while we’ve seen a bit of Ed Skrein’s Ajax, we haven’t seen much of the fighting that goes on between the big bad and the Merc With a Mouth.
‘Deadpool’ Director Breaks Down That New Red Band Trailer
‘Deadpool’ Director Breaks Down That New Red Band Trailer
‘Deadpool’ Director Breaks Down That New Red Band Trailer
The Merc With a Mouth really earns that nickname in the latest red band trailer for Deadpool, the profane, balls-out and very violent new superhero-adjacent film that sees Ryan Reynolds reprising his role — albeit far more faithfully — for director Tim Miller in the first X-Men spinoff that doesn’t feature Wolverine. The new red band trailer offered plenty of previously unseen footage and raised a few questions — questions that Miller and producer Simon Kinberg are happy to answer in their official breakdown of the trailer.
‘Deadpool’ Debuts New Red and Green Band Trailers
‘Deadpool’ Debuts New Red and Green Band Trailers
‘Deadpool’ Debuts New Red and Green Band Trailers
Whether you're naughty or nice, there's a new Deadpool trailer just for you. The red band trailer (above) boasts itself as an "even more NSFW trailer," packed with more violence and profanity — you know, generally more Deadpool-appropriate. The green band trailer (below) is a little more friendlier, just in case you're still surrounded by conservative relatives or small children.
Hugh Jackman Debuts New ‘Deadpool’ Teaser
Hugh Jackman Debuts New ‘Deadpool’ Teaser
Hugh Jackman Debuts New ‘Deadpool’ Teaser
Happy Deadpool trailer (aka Christmas) eve, everyone! Ahead of tomorrow’s new trailer debut during the NBA on ESPN, 20th Century Fox has premiered a brief teaser with the help of none other than Wolverine — sorry, Ryan Reynolds, but Hugh Jackman stole your thunder and posted the teaser himself.
20th Century Fox and Marvel Team to Release Deadpool Emojis
20th Century Fox and Marvel Team to Release Deadpool Emojis
20th Century Fox and Marvel Team to Release Deadpool Emojis
Kids these days and their darned, new-fangled ways of communicating. I can't wrap my head around what anyone means when they text me "pizza pizza cat-face gun eggplant." You pretty much need to be a World War II codebreaker or have an Enigma machine to understand what the hell anyone is saying to you through the telephone chat portal. Emojis? Whatever happened to words? "Tap dance airplane crying face poop" doesn't mean anything... right? To make things even more complicated for the future of my comprehension skills, 20th Century Fox and Marvel have teamed to release a complete set of emoji starring the one and only Deadpool. If you thought "silly ghost winky face thumbs-up scared cat" was already hard enough to decipher, wait until they slap some Deadpool on it. I'm getting too old for this poop.

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