
20 Very Important Things About 'Superman Unchained' #1 [Spoilers]
20 Very Important Things About 'Superman Unchained' #1 [Spoilers]
20 Very Important Things About 'Superman Unchained' #1 [Spoilers]
A very enormous Superman movie is opening in America today, and the Man of Steel publisher DC Comics is availing itself of the occasion to launch Superman Unchained, a brand new ongoing series by Scott Snyder and Jim Lee. Staffed by two of DC Comics' current superstars, Superman Unchained is designed not just to entertain its existing readership and to welcome Man of Steel viewers intrigued by what they've seen on screen (an eminently sensible plan), but the pairing of Lee and Snyder has also drawn some lapsed Superman readers back to see what's become of Earth's greatest hero since his New 52 makeover.
‘Superman Unchained': New Series by Scott Snyder, Jim Lee and Dustin Nguyen
‘Superman Unchained': New Series by Scott Snyder, Jim Lee and Dustin Nguyen
‘Superman Unchained': New Series by Scott Snyder, Jim Lee and Dustin Nguyen
It had been known for a while that acclaimed Batman and American Vampire writer Scott Snyder would eventually collaborate with DC Comics co-publisher and mega-popular artist Jim Lee for a new Superman project, but it was only this week that the company confirmed the final details: Superman Unchained is the name of the new ongoing series, which will feature backup stories drawn by the hugely talent