
Cast Party: Who Should Star in a 'Warlord' Movie?
Cast Party: Who Should Star in a 'Warlord' Movie?
Cast Party: Who Should Star in a 'Warlord' Movie?
Welcome to Cast Party, the feature that imagines a world with even more live action comic book adaptations than we currently have, and comes up with arguably the best casting suggestions you’re ever going to find for the movies and shows we wish could exist. This week is inspired by my firm belief that there aren't enough sword and sandal movies being made anymore. With that in mind, let's imagine a film version of Warlord, Mike Grell's fantasy classic that ran from 1976 to 1989 at DC Comics.
Dinosaurs are the New Superheroes: 10 Dino Comics for Hollywood
Dinosaurs are the New Superheroes: 10 Dino Comics for Hollywood
Dinosaurs are the New Superheroes: 10 Dino Comics for Hollywood
The success of Jurassic World means that superhero movies are over! Forever! Why, we wouldn't be surprised if Fantastic Four and Ant-Man went straight to DVD and studios pulled the plug on the dozens of superhero movies already in production. Dinosaurs are the new superheroes, and in the future we expect all big-budget, would-be blockbuster films to be dinosaur movies. Does this mean that comic books and graphic novels will lose their coveted place as the breeding ground for Hollywood's favorite source material? Not at all; there are plenty of dinosaur comics, ripe for film adaptation. Let's take a look at some of the more popular ones, and how likely it is that they may be coming to a theater near you... instead of Wonder Woman, Doctor Strange, or Justice League.