This week on War Rocket Ajax, Adam P. Knave joins the show to talk about the process of co-writing Amelia Cole and the Unknown World for Monkeybrain! Plus, for the first time in ComicsAlliance history, we spend a bunch of time talking about a recipe. And you can listen to the whole show right here at ComicsAlliance!War Rocket Ajax #139: Screw Hobbits with Adam P. Knave

(WARNING: Contains NSFW language)

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In this week's episode, Chris has had to give up coffee for the winter and is every bit as miserable about that as you'd expect, but he met Randy Orton at a Denny's so that's okay, while Matt is torn on whether Dishonored deserves full on War Rocket Ajax rec status. Will we, in fact, rec it? Tune into future episodes to find out!

When Adam joins us, he talks about how writing comics almost killed his ability to write prose:

When I first started writing comics, I'd been at the start of a novel, and I stopped because I got involved in comics stuff. I went back to go work on the novel, and I realized that all of my prose was basically panel descriptions and dialogue. I had just boiled down to writing very terse, very stage-directiony bits instead of fleshed-out prose, because when I'm writing a script, I'm not going to do panel descriptions that are full-on prose. I'm not Alan Moore.

It took me a while to re-learn how to write prose, and that's part of why I have to wall it off, because my level of neurosis with writing prose is unparalleled.

Plus, find out about his uncomfortable dinner with hobbits and elves in this week's episode!

Show Notes:

Follow Adam P. Knave on Twitter or check out!

Read Amelia Cole on Comixology!

The recipe for Ice Cream Bread. Delicious and simple.

Krispy Kreme needs to change his name.

Here's a picture of Randy Orton at Denny's with Chris's pal Shaka:

Chris's Rec: Bread.

Matt's Rec: Kendrick Lamar - Good Kid, m.A.A.d. City

Comics Reviewed:

Hawkeye #5: "F**king amazing!" "It has been a hell of a good year for some really strong new comics, but what a strong first five issues this book has had."

Action Comics #15: "This is that kind of Grant Morrison story that the people who don't like Grant Morrison think every comic he does is like: This crazy story that takes place in three different time periods and two different dimensions simultaneously." "I think this issue's greatest accomplishment is making Mr. Mxyzptlk an interesting character."

Avengers #1: "David Uzumeri described it as just 'big,' and that's really what it is. From the get-go, it's about universes and people's impact on them and this master plan that Tony Stark and Captain America have come up with." "I cannot stand Captain America's new costume. I hate the armor."

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