A number of the Adventure Time animated series' most popular supporting characters have taken the spotlight across Boom! Studios' numerous comic book miniseries and backup stories, but only one hero could pull series head writer Kent Osborne from the show to its comic book incarnation: Root Beer Guy. Well, him and the Candy Kingdom's collective Banana Guard police force, anyway. This July Osborne makes his AT comic debut alongside artist Mad Rupert (Regular Show: Skips) for Adventure Time: Banana Guard Academy #1, the first of a six-issue miniseries exploring the world of law and order in Ooo.

Boom!'s explains the series thusly in its official synopsis:

Turns out that there is a lot to being a Banana Guard—but being a Banana is not mandatory. This crazy adventure follows Root Beer Guy as he starts his search for new recruits among Ooo’s citizens. Only the best will do in his quest to protect the Candy Kingdom!

On top of working on Adventure Time, Osborne has written for Spongebob SquarePants (and its cinematic spinoff), plus written and storyboarded for shows like Camp LazloRegular ShowThe Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack and Phineas and Ferb. He's also posted numerous sequential works online, including the webcomic Babycat, the webcomic/animated series Cat Agent and a lot more.

You can get a first look at covers from Adventure Time: Banana Guard Academy by Aimee Fleck below.


Aimee Fleck



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