‘Adventure Time Cover Showcase’ Collects Fan-Favorite Art, Debuts New Paul Pope Cover

Just as Frederator Studios has been known to tap indie comics talent to work on the Adventure Time cartoon, so too has Boom! Studios' sought bold art for its monthly Adventure Time comic book by Ryan North, Braden Lamb and Shelli Paroline. Adding to the interior comic's main story and backup tale each month are four alternate covers which serve as something of an anthology by giving celebrated creators -- many of whom are associated with the cartoon -- a place to put their respective stamps on Finn, Jake, Princess Bubblegum and the rest of the AT cast. With this in mind, Boom! will release an Adventure Time Cover Showcase in December, collecting the series' previous alternate covers into one convenient package. As a bonus the Cover Showcase will even include a new cover by Paul Pope, artist of the celebrated (and psychedelic) AT #5 backup story "Emit Erutnevda."From Boom! Studios' official solicitation info:
COME ON GRAB YOUR FRIENDS FOR AN ADVENTURE TIME COVER SHOWCASE! Collectors love the ADVENTURE TIME comic book's many totally math covers by the hottest artist's in the comic book industry! See several of your favorite ADVENTURE TIME covers packaged into one high-quality special issue featuring a cover by comic book rock star Paul Pope!
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