All Star Original Art At The CBLDF San Diego Auction
Press Release
This is the big one! The CBLDF holds its biggest auction of the year at Comic-Con, and this year brings some amazing one-of-a-kind items to raise money for free speech! This year's items include original art by Jim Lee, Jeff Smith, Todd McFarlane, Paul Pope, Neil Gaiman, Brian Bendis, Jim Starlin, David Lloyd, Juan Santacruz, Terry Moore, and many, many, many more! Click here for a full illustrated preview!
You will need a bidder number for this auction, which can be obtained, along with a full auction list, at the CBLDF booth #1831 or at the start of the event. The CBLDF Auction will be on Saturday, July 28 at 7:00 PM in Room 8 of the San Diego Convention Center.
The CBLDF is also accepting pre-bids online. Online bids will be accepted starting Monday, July 16 until Friday, July 27, 10:00 PM PST. All bids must be emailed to with "CCI SD AUCTION BID" in the subject line. Be sure when bidding to use the item name as it appears on the website.
This is not a silent auction bidding system. All bids placed online will be used as opening bids during the live auction on Saturday, July 28. In the event there are multiple bids on the same item, the highest bid will be the one accepted.
Bid amounts placed online will not be disclosed before the item is auctioned Winning bidders will be notified by email the week following the convention. Payment is expected within 7 days from said email.
Below is a text listing of the items available on auction. Check back, more items will be added between now and the event!
(1) Shazam Monster Society of Evil issue 1 page 22 by Jeff Smith
(2) Jim Lee Batman Drawing
(3) Batman Year 100 Page by Paul Pope
(4) Frank Frazetta Kubla Khan Portfolio
(5) Mouse Guard, Issue 4, Page 22 original art by David Petersen
(6) 1941 Endpaper painting by Rick Veitch & Steve Bissette
(7) Strangers in Paradise Issue 83 Page 3 by Terry Moore
(8) Catwoman Issue 32 Page 4 by Sean Phillips and Stefano Gaudiano
(9) Johnny Canuck by Todd McFarlane and Terry Fitzgerald
(10) Andrew Robinson Halo drawings
(11) Tommy Lee Edwards Full-Color Fighter Plane and Airmen Watercolor
(12) Ramon Bachs Hulk drawing
(13) Pere Perez Dragonlance drawing
(14) Black Panther Issue 28, page 9 by Francis Portela
(15) 30 Days of Night script signed by Steve Niles
(16) Superman/Alien Drawing by Andy MacDonald
(17) Anakin Skywalker by Matt Busch
(18) Batman Page by Brian Michael Bendis
(19) Cover to Bomb Queen vs Blacklight by Jimmie Robinson
(20) Brenda Starr Reporter Strip by Brigman and Schmich
(21) Of Bitter Souls Promo Drawing by Norm Breyfogle
(22) Cover to Casanova issue 3 by Gabriel Ba
(23) Connor Hawke Issue 5 Page 17 by Derec Donovan
(24) Llonearm Sketch by Paul Pope
(25) Stephen Colbert's Tek Jansen Promo Poster signed by Stephen Colbert and John Cassaday
(26) Comicology v. 1: The Kingdom Come Companion signed by Alex Ross
(27) Script For Conan #28 Signed By Entire Creative Team
(28) Deathlok Drawing by Rich Buckler
(29) GI Joe Special Missions Manhattan Page 8 by Jeremy Haun
(30) Doc Savage: Curse of the Fire God Issue 2 Page 4 by Pat Broderick
(31) Elf Quest: New Blood issue 4 page 12 by Lea Hernandez
(32) Grendel 25 Anniversary Print Signed and Remarked 'G/Z'
(33) Marvel Adventures Spider-Man Issue 18, Page 20 by Mike Norton
(34) Fantastic Four Pin-Up by Cafu
(35) Wizard Print by Hal Foster (2 pieces)
(36) Cover to HERO Issue 20 by Kelsey Shannon
(37) Aliens: Purge Issue 1 Page 4 by Phil Hester and Ande Parks
(38) Y: The Last Man Pack Signed by Brian K Vaughan (17 pieces)
(39) Hammer of the Gods Hits China Page by Mike Oeming
(40) J For Jenny Page 8 by David Lloyd
(41) Ultimate Captain American & Robin drawing by Julian Lopez
(42) Junior Page 3 by Peter Bagge
(43) Majestic Issue 14, Page 22 Pencils by Diego Olmos, Inks by Bit
(44) Neil Gaiman Last Angel Tour Print Artist's Proof
(45) Lucifer Issue 75 Page 38 by Peter Gross
(46) David Mack Death Drawing
(47) Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers Issue 7 Page 14 by John Heebink
(48) Neil Gaiman 'Two Head & The Geek' Strips
(49) Phil Noto Spider-Man Heroes Con Print 760/800
(50) Pirates of Coney Island Page from Issue 2 by Vasilis Lolos
(51) Stephen Colbert's Tek Jansen Issue 1 Page 3 by Robbi Rodriguez
(52) Ron Lim Joker Drawing
(53) NY Comicon Exclusive Symbiote Spider-Man bust
(54) Buffy Tales of the Vampires: Stacy Page 1 by Cameron Stewart
(55) Stardust Promotional Book Covers signed by Neil Gaiman (Set of 3)
(56) The Phantom by Lou Manna
(57) Tiny Toon Adventures: Hamton Cleans Up Page 6 by Michael James
(58) Transformers Insecticons 1 by Mark Brooks
(59) Transformers Insecticons 2 by Mark Brooks
(60) Warlock Issue 10 Page 30 by Jim Starlin & Steve Leialoha
(61) Charlie Adlard's First Ever Walking Dead Character Sketches (3 Pieces)
(62) Zam Wessell from 'How to Draw Star Wars' by Matt Busch
(63) Manuel Garcia Lobo Watercolor
(64) Jesus Saiz Full-Color Manhunter Design
(65) Jake Allen 'Intersections' Page from Postcards: True Stories That Never Happend
(66) Gia-Bao Tran 'Blue' Page from Postcards: True Stories That Never Happend
(67) Michael Gaydos 'Tic-Tac-Bang-Bang' Page from Postcards: True Stories That Never Happend
(68) Signed Copy of Postcards: True Stories That Never Happend
(69) Liberty Woman by Bit
(70) Pirate Girl Drawing By David Faught
(71) Making Comics by Scott McCloud signed by Art Spiegelman, Neil Gaiman, Jeff Smith and More!
(72) Hulk Issue 90, Page 2 by Juan Santacruz
(73) Set of 3 NBC's 'Heroes' Comic books signed by Tim Sale
(74) Set of 3 Captain America #25 'Death of Captain America' CGC 9.8 Comics
(75) The Adventures of Spawn Pack signed by Todd McFarlane and More!
(76) Harvest Moon Print by Paul Pope 52/100
(77) Marvel Dinner Menu Signed by Joe Quesada and Many More!
(78) Action Comics 844 Signed by Geoff Johns and RICHARD DONNER!
(79) Albion Ashcan Edition Signed by Alan Moore and many more.
(80) 52 2006 Convention Exclusive Comic Signed by Creators.
(81) Civil War #1 Aspen Comics Exclusive Variant Cover Signed by Michael Turner and Peter Steigerwald
(82) Brian Stelfreeze Blueline Study (6 pieces)
(83) Richard Corben Classics Portfolio Set Two
(84) Hellboy Promotional Standee Signed and Sketched by Mike Mignola
(85) Mirror of Love 1/500 signed by Alan Moore and Jose Villarubia
(86) Strangers in Paradise Katchoo Statue
(87) 1995 Comic Book Expo San Diego Stardust Print signed by Neil Gaiman
(88) Kavalier Miracle Print signed by Jim Steranko and Michael Chabon
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