While arguments about gay people getting married tend to center on the so-called "natural" state of the human family, a quick peek around the animal kingdom reveals that sex and animal behavior don't always break down into neat "one male, one female" units. And even in cases where animals do pair off to produce offspring, the burden of child-rearing doesn't necessarily fall to the partner with two X chromosomes. Humon, the artist behind the webcomic Scandinavia and the World, uses cartoons to explain animal mating habits that fall outside the bounds of "traditional marriage" by anthropomorphizing the players in her trademark adorable style.In Scandinavia and the World, Humon portrays different countries as people, much like in the manga Hetalia. In her animal gender roles series, she takes a similar approach, portraying various animals as humans so that we can imagine how their family and mating structures might look among our own species. It seems to work out pretty well, provided you're not a male hyena.

If you take on thing away from these comics, it should be this: female hyenas are frightening creatures. Also, the next time you're in a threesome, make sure one of the participants isn't a cuttlefish.

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