Yesterday on DC's official blog, The Source, it was announced that acclaimed Daredevil writer Ann Nocenti has been tapped to replace J.T. Krul as the ongoing writer of Green Arrow, after a three-issue stint co-written by Keith Giffen and Dan Jurgens. This is especially notable news not only because it adds another female creator to the New 52, but because it's Nocenti's first major work since the mid-'90s, when she was writing Typhoid for Marvel and Kid Eternity for Vertigo. In recent years she's been living and teaching film in Haiti, with short returns to the comic industry like the virtuosic short story "3 Jacks" in Daredevil #500 with David Aja.Giving her the reins of the character of Green Arrow is an especially interesting choice, given Nocenti's outspoken liberal views and Oliver Queen's history as a bleeding-heart liberal superhero. However, none of that political content has yet manifested in the character's New 52 incarnation, with Queen reimagined as simply a wealthy superhero playboy rather than the Man of the People he was so famous for being before. This blank slate may allow Nocenti to reimagine Queen's liberal awakening for a new era, or she may go in a totally different direction with the character.

As Nocenti told The Source:

I'm thrilled to be taking over Green Arrow. What I adore about the Arrow is his recklessness. He'll shoot off on an impulse, dispatch someone if they deserve it; his heroism is instinctive. I start with a crazy trilogy that is chock full of surprises. Arrow gets a new woman (and boy, is it complicated), flings himself out of his old life into a new one, and meets a new world class villain. It's gonna be a wild ride!

No concrete details about story or artistic collaborators have yet surfaced, although it's possible the current team of Dan Jurgens and George Perez may stay on art duties. Her first issue is Green Arrow #7 in March 2011 (assuming the book continues to ship monthly).

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