What's up celebrators of the holiday season? You look like you could use some cards -- and we've got cards! Last year we had the esteemed Anthony "Nedroid" Clark (who recently teamed with Benito Cereno for an amazing Christmas comic) create a variety of holiday greeting cards, and guess what? Here in 2011, they are still certifiably rad.

We simply must insist that you download all four cards and e-mail them to your family, friends and/or foes. If you prefer physical media, we've also produced special versions you can print and fold to four-cornered perfection. Browse all four ComicsAlliance holiday cards and spread seasonal cheer like it's going out of style!

Anthony "Nedroid" Clark's four fantastic holiday cards!

E-mail or print, but by all means share!



Printable/Foldable Version - Click to Enlarge (Sized for 8.5 x 11 Paper)



Printable/Foldable Version - Click to Enlarge (Sized for 8.5 x 11 Paper)



Printable/Foldable Version (Click for full sized version for 8.5x11 paper)


Printable/Foldable Version (Click for full sized version for 8.5x11 paper)

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