In our recurring original art feature, writer Chris Sims and artist Rusty Shackles carry on the noble comic book tradition of the imaginary story by bringing you the Best Comics Ever that don't actually exist! This week, Batman ditches the JLA to embrace the power of metal!

The Brave and the Bold #214 (1984)

Story: Chris Sims

Art: Rusty Shackles

22 pp, Full Color

When the Justice League of America refuses to investigate the death of a rising star in Gotham City's heavy metal scene who appears to have passed away from natural causes, Batman gets fed up with their rules and quits, leaving the murderers to think they've gotten away! But what they don't know is that Batman has another card up his sleeve: The Ace of Spades! Now teamed up with his new partners, Mikkey Dee, Phli Campbell and the unstoppable force known only as Lemmy, Batman and Motörhead must solve the case of the man who was... Killed By Death!

(Based on the cover of "Batman and the Outsiders" #1)

For more Great Comics That Never Happened from Sims & Shackles, check out the GCTNH Archive!

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