Image at 25: Rogues’ Gallery: The Top Ten ‘Walking Dead’ Villains
A hero is defined by their villains, and comic books are filled with some of the scariest and silliest bad guys around. Rogues’ Gallery aims to settle the score and determine who is the true arch-nemesis for some of our favorite heroes, and we need your help to do it!
You voted to see who the ultimate The Walking Dead villain was, and we’ve tabulated the results and assembled a video counting down the definitive top 10. Did your favorite make this list? There’s only one way to find out!
Show notes
- Shane Walsh fell apart towards the end of The Walking Dead: Days Gone Bye
- Zombies are an ever present factor, but their real threat became apparent in The Walking Dead: Miles Behind Us
- The Governor marched on the prison in The Walking Dead: Made To Suffer
- The Marauders caught the survivors on the backfoot in The Walking Dead: What We Become
- Ben and The Hunters were both threats that needed dealing with in The Walking Dead 11: Fear The Hunters
- The Scavengers got more than they bargained for in The Walking Dead: Too Far Gone
- Spencer Monroe attempted an ill-fated coup in The Walking Dead 19: March To War
- Negan and The Saviors went to war with the survivors in The Walking Dead 20: All Out War
- Alpha and The Whisperers made their presence known in The Walking Dead 23: Whispers Into Screams
Keep an eye on Rogues’ Gallery to have your say in upcoming polls, and check out previous Rogues’ Gallery videos below!
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