Bizarro Ruins Everything In ‘LEGO Justice League vs. Bizarro League’ Preview Clip
Those of you who spend all your time watching superhero cartoons made for tiny babies (and by that I mean me) may have noticed that there was a half-hour special late last year called LEGO Justice League: Batman Beleagured. If you missed it, it was a very blocky origin story for how Batman joined the Justice League, and it was actually pretty great -- especially the twist ending.
Now, it seems that they're following it up with a second special, and this time, it's about Bizarro arriving in Metropolis and doing... well, exactly what Bizarro does every time he shows up, which is screw things up on a catastrophic level and terrify the populace. And apparently, that's just the tip of a mixed-up iceberg that's going to involve an entire Bizarro League.
Even though the past few years have seen plenty of LEGO-based superhero games, specials and other assorted media -- including an entire movie about Batman slated to hit theaters in 2017 -- the first LEGO Justice League special was fun enough that I'm actually really excited to see what comes next. To be honest, if we get a half -hour special along these lines every quarter for the forseeable future, I'll be completely fine with that.
Especially since this one has the promise of Flash hanging out with a bunch of little duckies.
LEGO: DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League vs. Bizarro League will have a premiere on January 24 in New York City, with a release on BluRay and DVD to follow, and presumably an airing on Cartoon Network sometime after that.
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