With Rebecca Sugar's new animated series Steven Universe set to debut on Cartoon Network on November 4th (and a free downloadable preview currently online), Boom! Studios has officially announced its accompanying ongoing comic book series. Starring a happy-go-lucky young boy on a team of much more mature cosmic heroines, the new series follows Steven as he learns to tap his full potential as a Crystal Gem... by eating ice cream and administering sick burns, among other things. A special four-page preview of his comic adventures written by Sugar, penciled by Lamar Abrams, inked by Danny Hynes, and colored and lettered by Jeremy Sorese will debut tomorrow in the pages of Adventure Time: 2013 Spoooktacular #1. The official regular creative team for Steven Universe #1 hasn't been announced just yet, but should manifest closer to the issue's debut in early 2014. Check out our exclusive first look at the preview from Boom!, after the jump.


Adventure Time Spooktacular Cover
Steven Universe Credits
Steven Universe Comic Preview


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